
  • Web Services
  • API Documentation
  • Provider

This web service retrieves the single matching identity from Provider Data Management that matches the demographic data provided in the web service request.

The match determination is made using Verato’s referential matching algorithm, and a matching identity is only returned if the match scores above the same match threshold used for determining matches during the postIdentity add/update process.

Like the postIdentity web service, the query web services allow the client to provide a “tracking ID” string that is client-generated, which is echoed back in the web service response. This provides the ability to track specific web service requests/responses using a message identifier that is meaningful to the client. In addition to the “tracking ID” in the web service request, the content of the query request will vary across the three different query web services.

The web service response is consistent across all three (nativeIdQuery, identityQuery, demographicsQuery) of the query web services.

*For customers with the Address Verification Service, please see the guide for additional data and API response information.

Sample URL

The URL for this request is of the format, where XXXX is a 4-digit number.

demographicsQuery request

  • The demographicsQuery request is made up of demographic attribute data  used to find a matching identity in Provider Data Management. Each attribute and attribute cluster in the request may contain zero-to-many values – for example, you could include no phone number in the query request or multiple phone numbers in the query request.

  • { 
      "trackingId": "string"   
      "content": { 
        "responseIdentityFormatNames": ["string"], 
        "identity": { 
          "addresses": [ 
              "city": "string", 
              "postalCode": "string", 
              "state": "string", 
              "line2": "string", 
              "line1": "string" 
          "locationInfo": [ 
              "coloCode": "string", 
              "ruralUrbanSuburban": "string" 
          "education": [ 
              "gradYear": "string", 
              "medSchool": "string" 
          "genders": [ 
          "phoneNumbers": [ 
              "number": "string", 
              "type": "string" 
          "emails": [ 
          "license": [
              "number": "string",
              "state": "string",
              "taxonomyCode": "string",
              "licenseStatus": "string",
              "licenseStatusDetail": "string",
              "licenseEffectiveDate": "string",
              "licenseExpirationDate": "string",
              "licenseProfessionCode": "string",
              "licenseProfessionRankCode": "string",
              "licenseLastUpdateDate": "string"
          "specialties": [
            	"specialtyTaxonomyCode": "string"
          "contactInformation": [
               "address": {
                   "addressType": "string",
                   "addressName": "string",
                   "line1": "string",
                   "line2": "string",
                   "city": "string",
                   "state": "string",
                   "postalCode": "string"
               "phoneList": [
                    "type": "string",
                    "number": "string"
               "faxList": [
                     "type": "string",
                     "number": "string"
          "disciplinaryInfo": [ 
              "exclusionType": "string", 
              "warning": "string" 
          "organizationNames": [ 
              "otherOrgName": "string", 
              "legalBusinessName": "string", 
              "parentOrgName": "string" 
          "names": [ 
              "middle": "string", 
              "last": "string", 
              "credential": "string", 
              "prefix": "string", 
              "suffix": "string", 
              "first": "string" 
          "faxNumbers": [ 
              "number": "string", 
              "type": "string" 
          "medicareInfo": [ 
              "inPecos": "string", 
              "acceptsMedicare": "string" 
          "practiceInfo": [ 
              "estimatedPracticeYears": "string" 
          "groupTaxonomies": [ 
              "groupTaxonomyCode": "string" 
          "authorizedOfficials": [ 
              "lastName": "string", 
              "firstName": "string", 
              "phoneNumber": "string", 
              "namePrefix": "string", 
              "nameCredential": "string", 
              "nameSuffix": "string", 
              "middleName": "string", 
              "title": "string" 
          "npis": [ 
              "npi": "string", 
              "entityTypeCode": "string" 

demographicsQuery JSON response

  • The response includes:

    • An ‘echo’ of the same tracking ID from the request
    • Several Boolean and string values with more information about the success/failure of the service
    • The Link ID of the identity returned from the query
    • An identity object consisting of both of the following:
      • The list of Source+Native ID values that are associated with the Link ID
      • The demographic attribute data for the overall Provider Data Management identity (which may include attribute data from multiple source records matched together into this single Link ID). The format of this identity object will vary depending on which format was requested in the web service request JSON.
  • { 
        "success": boolean, 
        "message": "string”, 
        "content": { 
            "linkId": "string", 
            "identity": { 
                "linkId": "string", 
                "sources": [ 
                        "name": "string", 
                        "id": "string" 
                "mergedSourceRecords": [], 
                "names": [ 
                        "first": "string", 
                        "middle": "string", 
                        "last": "string", 
                        "suffix": "string", 
                        "prefix": "string", 
                        "credential": "string" 
                    }            ], 
                "authorizedOfficials": [ 
                        "title": "string", 
                        "phoneNumber": "string", 
                        "namePrefix": "string", 
                        "firstName": "string", 
                        "middleName": "string", 
                        "lastName": "string", 
                        "nameSuffix": "string", 
                        "nameCredential": "string" 
                "npis": [ 
                        "npi": "string", 
                        "entityTypeCode": "string" 
                "license": [
                        "number": "string",
                        "state": "string",
                        "taxonomyCode": "string",
                        "licenseEffectiveDate": "string",
                        "licenseExpirationDate": "string",
                        "licenseStatus": "string",
                        "licenseProfessionCode": "string",
                        "licenseProfessionRankCode": "string",
                        "licenseLastUpdateDate": "string",
                        "licenseGrouping": "string",
                        "licenseClassification": "string",
                        "licenseSpecialization": "string"
                "contactInformation": [
                        "address": {
                            "line1": "string",
                            "line2": "string",
                            "city": "string",
                            "state": "string",
                            "postalCode": "string",
                            "addressType": "string",
                            "addressName": "string"
                        "phoneList": [
                                "number": "string",
                                "type": "string"
                        "faxList": [
                                "number": "string",
                                "type": "string"
                "specialties": [
                        "specialtyTaxonomyCode": "string",
                        "grouping": "string",
                        "classification": "string",
                        "specialization": "string"
                "addresses": [ 
                        "line1": "string", 
                        "line2": "string", 
                        "city": "string", 
                        "state": "string", 
                        "postalCode": "string" 
                "genders": [ 
                "emails": [ 
                "phoneNumbers": [ 
                        "number": "string", 
                        "type": "string" 
                "faxNumbers": [ 
                        "type": "string", 
                        "number": "string" 
                "disciplinaryInfo": [ 
                        "warning": "string", 
                        "exclusionType": "string" 
                "groupTaxonomies": [ 
                        "groupTaxonomyCode": "string" 
                "medicareInfo": [ 
                        "inPecos": "string", 
                        "acceptsMedicare": "string" 
                "education": [ 
                        "medSchool": "string", 
                        "gradYear": "string" 
                "locationInfo": [ 
                        "ruralUrbanSuburban": "string", 
                        "coloCode": "string" 
                "practiceInfo": [ 
                        "estimatedPracticeYears": "string" 
                "unmergeable": [], 
                "organizationNames": [ 
                        "legalBusinessName": "string", 
                        "parentOrgName": "string" 
        "trackingId": "string", 
        "auditId": UUID, 
        "retryableError": boolean 
        "success": "string", 
        "message": "string", 
        "content": { 
            "linkId": "string", 
            "identityGroupedBySource": [ 
                    "source": { 
                        "name": "string", 
                        "id": "string" 
                    "names": [ 
                            "firstAsserted": "string", 
                            "lastAsserted": "string", 
                            "name": { 
                                "first": "string", 
                                "middle": "string", 
                                "last": "string", 
                                "suffix": "string", 
                                "prefix": "string", 
                                "credential": "string" 
                    "organizationNames": [ 
                            "firstAsserted": "string", 
                            "lastAsserted": "string", 
                            "organization": { 
                                "legalBusinessName": "string", 
                                "otherOrgName": "string", 
                                "parentOrgName": "string" 
                    "npis": [ 
                            "firstAsserted": "string", 
                            "lastAsserted": "string", 
                            "npiObject": { 
                                "npi": "string", 
                                "entityTypeCode": "string" 
                    "licenses": [
                            "firstAsserted": "string",
                            "lastAsserted": "string",
                            "license": {
                                "number": "string",
                                "state": "string",
                                "taxonomyCode": "string",
                                "licenseEffectiveDate": "string
                                "licenseExpirationDate": "string",
                                "licenseStatus": "string",
                                "licenseProfessionCode": "string",
                                "licenseProfessionRankCode": "string",
                                "licenseLastUpdateDate": "string",
                                "licenseGrouping": "string",
                                "licenseClassification": "string",
                                "licenseSpecialization": "string"
                    "specialties": [
                            "firstAsserted": "string",
                            "lastAsserted": "string",
                            "specialty": {
                                "specialtyTaxonomyCode": "string",
                                "grouping": "string",
                                "classification": "string",
                                "specialization": "string"
                    "contactInformation": [
                            "firstAsserted": "string",
                            "lastAsserted": "string",
                            "contactInformation": {
                                "address": {
                                    "line1": "string",
                                    "line2": "string",
                                    "city": "string",
                                    "state": "string",
                                    "postalCode": "string",
                                    "addressType": "string",
                                    "addressName": "string"
                                "phoneList": [
                                        "number": "string",
                                        "type": "string"
                                "faxList": [
                                        "type": "string",
                                        "number": "string"
                    "addresses": [ 
                            "firstAsserted": "string", 
                            "lastAsserted": "string", 
                            "address": { 
                                "line1": "string", 
                                "line2": "string", 
                                "city": "string", 
                                "state": "string", 
                                "postalCode": "string" 
                    "addressDetails": [], 
                    "genders": [ 
                            "firstAsserted": "string", 
                            "lastAsserted": "string", 
                            "gender": "string" 
                    "emails": [ 
                            "firstAsserted": "string", 
                            "lastAsserted": "string", 
                            "email": "string" 
                    "phoneNumbers": [ 
                            "firstAsserted": "string", 
                            "lastAsserted": "string", 
                            "phoneNumber": { 
                                "number": "string", 
                                "type": "string" 
                    "faxNumbers": [ 
                            "firstAsserted": "string", 
                            "lastAsserted": "string", 
                            "faxNumber": { 
                                "type": "string", 
                                "number": "string" 
                    "authorizedOfficials": [ 
                            "firstAsserted": "string", 
                            "lastAsserted": "string", 
                            "authorizedOfficial": { 
                                "title": "string", 
                                "phoneNumber": "string", 
                                "namePrefix": "string", 
                                "firstName": "string", 
                                "middleName": "string", 
                                "lastName": "string", 
                                "nameSuffix": "string", 
                                "nameCredential": "string" 
                    "medicareInfo": [ 
                            "firstAsserted": "string", 
                            "lastAsserted": "string", 
                            "medicareInfo": { 
                                "inPecos": "string", 
                                "acceptsMedicare": "string" 
                    "disciplinaryInfo": [ 
                            "firstAsserted": "string", 
                            "lastAsserted": "string 
                            "disciplinaryInfo": { 
                                "warning": "string", 
                                "exclusionType": "string" 
                    "groupTaxonomies": [ 
                            "firstAsserted": "string", 
                            "lastAsserted": "string", 
                            "groupTaxonomyCode": "string" 
                    "education": [ 
                            "firstAsserted": "string", 
                            "lastAsserted": "string", 
                            "education": { 
                                "medSchool": "string", 
                                "gradYear": "string" 
                    "locationInfo": [ 
                            "firstAsserted": "string", 
                            "lastAsserted": "string", 
                            "locationInfo": { 
                                "ruralUrbanSuburban": "string", 
                                "coloCode": "string" 
                    "practiceInfo": [ 
                            "firstAsserted": "string", 
                            "lastAsserted": "string", 
                            "practiceInfo": { 
                                "estimatedPracticeYears": "string" 
        "errors": "string", 
        "trackingId": "string", 
        "auditId": UUID, 
        "retryableError": boolean   