The Provider Tasks Insights dashboard focuses on provider tasks and includes both Type 1 and Type 2 providers (individuals and organizations).
To view the Provider Tasks Insights dashboard, at the top of the page, click Insights, and then click Provider Tasks. The Provider Tasks Insights dashboard includes the following information.
Task by Source
Where are my tasks concentrated?
This data point shows the breakdown of your tasks based on the source that triggered and generated the task. Knowing this information will let you quickly know if there are any sources that are giving you more trouble than the others.
Task by Category
What type of tasks am I getting?
This data point shows the breakdown of your tasks based on its category. Knowing this information can help you identify what types of tasks you need to prep your stewardship teams for and explore potential process improvements if you notice particular task categories spike.
Task by Status
What’s the current status of my tasks?
This data point shows the breakdown of your tasks based on its current status. Knowing this information can give you an overview of the state of your stewardship program in terms of opened tasks remaining, work in progress, and completed work.
Average Days to Close Task
How fast am I closing tasks?
This data point shows the average time it takes to close a task from the day that it opens. Knowing this information can give you a quick pulse check on if tasks are being resolved in a timely manner. Unlock further insight by seeing how this metric changes based on different Sources or Task Categories. To note, a task must be closed to be included in this calculation.
Open Tasks Older than 90 Days
How many aging tasks do I have to work through?
This data point shows the number of tasks that were opened over 90 days ago (based on current date). Knowing this information can let you know the scale of aging tasks in your stewardship program that have been unresolved and can have long term impacts to your business processes. To note, there are systematic reasons this could occur such as large migrations, onboarding, etc.
Current Status of Tasks Created Last 90 Days
How is my stewardship program keeping up with the tasks we’re getting?
This data point shows the trending number of tasks being created over the last 90 days and their current status. Knowing this information provides you with a view into the funnel of your stewardship program and if the velocity of the team is keeping up. If a greater percentage of tasks that have been opened recently are remaining open, then that may be a sign to investigate ways to improve efficacy or focus effort on high priority tasks.
Tasks Closed Last 90 Days
Am I making progress in the right areas?
This data point shows the trending number of tasks that have been closed in the last 90 days based on the task category. Knowing this information can help you assess where the natural progress is being made and if you want to refocus stewardship efforts into other areas. It can also help you visually assess if efforts to improve particular stewardship areas result in the outcome of more closures.
Closed Task Resolution Reason
How are my tasks being closed out?
This data point shows the percentage of tasks that have been closed based on various resolution reasons across all task categories. Knowing this information can provide insight into the natural flow of stewardship resolution and if there are any process improvements can be implemented.
Tasks by Score
What type of matches are generating tasks?
This data point breaks down the distributions of tasks that have been generated based on the underlying match score. This is yet another way to analyze your stewardship program. You can filter your priority queue to just look at tasks with a specific underlying match score, or explore what tasks are being generated from low score matches, etc.
Data Stewardship Workload
Who is doing what on my stewardship team?
This data point breaks down the funnel of an individual steward’s queue. Knowing this information alongside other filter parameters can help you make decisions on who needs bandwidth help, are the right stewards handling the right type of tasks, etc.