Patient Overview

  • Patient
  • Insights

The Patient Overview dashboard focuses on data around the identities in your Patient data.

To view the Patient Overview dashboard, at the top of the page, click Insights, and then click Patient Overview. The Patient Overview dashboard includes the following information.

Total Identities/Total Records

How many records and identities do I have?

This data point shows the total aggregate number of records and unique identities across all sources within your instance.

Cross Source Linkage Rate

Is my data making connections across different sources?

This data point shows the percentage of records that are linked to at least one record from another data source (Record 1 from Source A links with Record 2 from Source B). Making connections across sources will make sure you have the best available picture for the identity using data from all your sources.

Overall Same Source Duplicates Rate

How many duplicates do my sources contain?

This data point shows the percentage of records that are linked to at least one record from the same data source (Record 1 from Source A links with Record 2 also from Source A). Knowing this number will let you properly assess the scale of your duplicate problem and set goals to aim for.

Identities Impacted by Reference Data

How much of my data is Verato impacting?

This data point shows the percentage of your identities that matched with a reference identity from Verato’s Reference Database. Matching with reference data can enhance the full picture you have of the identities you manage. To note, due to the nature of reference data, initial population characteristics (such as minors) and general data quality can influence this metric.

Source Summary

How do my records and identities breakdown across my sources?

This data point shows the Total Identities/Total Records metric at the individual source level. Knowing this information gives more granular insight into the relationship between records and identities so you can troubleshoot and explore specifically prioritized sources.

Same Source Duplicate Rate (by Source)

Where is my duplicate problem concentrated?

This data point shows the Same Source Duplicate Rate metric but breaks it down at the individual source level, not just aggregate. Knowing this granularity helps you troubleshoot and identify specific sources that are disproportionately generating high duplicate rates.

Identity Size Distribution

What do the identities I have look like?

This data point shows the breakdown of identities in your instance based on the number of records in that identity. This can unlock insights and discoveries such as if there are unexpectedly high identity sizes, large singleton populations, etc.