Service Level Agreement

This Verato Technical Support Guide is effective March 1, 2023 for prospects and new customers that sign their agreement on or after this effective date.

Verato offers Uptime and Response Time SLA programs to customers that are compliant with the terms of their subscription. Over-deployed environments are not covered by these SLA. If your subscription order includes these SLAs, their terms are discussed in this section.


  • Downtime means the amount of time (measured in full minutes) that the Verato Service that the customer selects to use is not available due to Unplanned Outages, wherein the duration of such unavailability is aggregated over a given calendar-month.
  • Response Time means the amount of time measured from when an interactive request is received by the API assigned to the customer’s selected Verato Service, until the time when a response is sent by Verato to the customer through that same API. Response Times will not be measured during periods of Unplanned Outages.
  • Scheduled Maintenance means periods of time when Verato renders the Verato Service that the customer desires to use unavailable to the customer so as to allow Verato to perform routine maintenance. Verato will notify the customer at least seven (7) calendar days in advance of Verato performing such Scheduled Maintenance through multiple communication channels like email, Customer Support Portal (
  • Unplanned Outages means the situation where the Verato Service that the customer wishes to use is unavailable for one (1) minute or more on any given occasion other than when Scheduled Maintenance is occurring. Unplanned Outages must conform with this Technical Support Guide wherein both the customer and Verato agree that the Unplanned Outage constitutes a Level 1 – Critical case. Unplanned Outages do not include times when the customer is not using the desired Verato Service or is unable to access or use the desired Verato Service due to: i) issues the customer is experiencing with their own network or systems; ii) improper use of the Verato Service by the customer (for example, untested code in production, sudden increase in volume of transactions, unrecognized integration points, repeated submission of calls/flaws in retry logic); and/or iii) Force Majeure events.
  • Uptime means the amount of time the Verato Service was available for the customer’s access and use in a given month, and accounts for both Scheduled Maintenance and for the amount of Downtime the customer experienced in that given month. Uptime is equal to (the total number of minutes in a given calendar month) minus (any Scheduled Maintenance) minus (any Downtime).
  • Uptime Percentage means the percentage of time that the specific Verato Service that the customer wishes to use is available for the customer in a given month and is calculated by dividing (the Uptime in a given months) by (the sum of the Uptime and the Downtime in a given month).

Uptime Service Level

Should Verato not deliver one hundred percent (100%) Uptime Percentage in a given month, Verato shall credit the customer according to the formula set out in the table below.

Monthly Actual Uptime Percentage Uptime Service Credit
Uptime Percentage is less than or equal to 100%, but equal to or greater than 99.5% in a given month. No credit.
Uptime Percentage is less than 99.5%, but equal to or greater than 95% in a given month. Twenty percent (20%) of the amount equal to one-twelfth of the Annual License Fee (as set out in the applicable Service Order) for the given Contract Year.
Uptime Percentage is less than 95%, but equal to or greater than 90% in a given month. Thirty percent (30%) of the amount equal to one-twelfth of the Annual License Fee (as set out in the applicable Service Order) for the given Contract Year.
Uptime Percentage is less than 90% in a given month. Fifty percent (50%) of the amount equal to one-twelfth of the Annual License Fee (as set out in the applicable Service Order) for the given Contract Year.

Verato will undertake commercially reasonable measures to ensure that Uptime equals 100% during each calendar month provided that any Unplanned Outage occurring as a result of circumstances beyond Verato’s reasonable control shall not be considered Unplanned Outage. Unplanned Outage will not include, without limitation, any downtime arising from: i) telecommunication or transportation difficulties; ii) public internet; or iii) Force Majeure.

It should be noted that the performance and availability of the Verato Services are directly dependent upon the quality of the customer’s internet connection. Failure of the customer’s internet connection to maintain satisfactory throughput and latency is outside the scope of Verato’s responsibility and should be addressed by the customer directly with the customer’s internet service provider. Verato is not responsible for internet infrastructure failures, and as such the customer’s ability to receive Uptime Service Credit only applies to those components within the Verato’s hosting obligations and server farm.

Response Time Service Levels

Response Time Targets

The response times under which the Verato Service is expected to perform (the Response Time Targets or RTTs) for certain specific transactions are set out in the table below.

Types of Transaction Response Time Targets
Demographics Query, Post Identity < 1.5 seconds
Identity ID Query, Native ID Query < 400 milliseconds
The times for Post Identity and Query API transactions are applicable only when the customer is requesting a single Smart View, or when they are requesting a response using the DEFAULT, GROUP_BY_SOURCE API directives.

Response Time Service Level Credits

Should Verato not meet the Response Time Targets listed in the table above, Licensor shall credit the customer according to the formula set out in the table below.

Monthly Response Time Service Levels Response Time Service Level Credit
Monthly average of transaction Response Times at or below their respective RTTs in Response Time Targets. No credit.
Monthly average of transaction Response Times is above their respective RTTs in Response Time Targets, but below 1.25x of those RTTs. Twenty percent (20%) of the amount equal to one-twelfth of the Annual License Fee (as set out in the applicable Service Order) for the given Contract Year.
Monthly average of Response Times above 1.25x of their respective RTTs in Response Time Targets, and below 1.75x of those RTTs. Thirty percent (30%) of the amount equal to one-twelfth of the Annual License Fee (as set out in the applicable Service Order) for the given Contract Year.
Monthly average of Response Times above 1.75x of their respective RTTs in Response Time Targets. Fifty percent (50%) of the amount equal to one-twelfth of the Annual License Fee (as set out in the applicable Service Order) for the given Contract Year.

Reports and Credits


Upon request from the customer, Verato shall deliver reports that detail the amount of Uptime for any of the six (6) months prior to such request (the Uptime Report), wherein the Uptime Report will detail the Uptime Percentage, as well as any Scheduled Maintenance and Unplanned Outage events that occurred during that six (6) month time period. Also, upon request from the customer, Verato shall deliver reports that set out the monthly average of the Response Time Service Levels for any of the six (6) months prior to such request (the Response Time Report).


The Uptime Service Credit is calculated pursuant to the formula set out in Uptime Service Level above, and the Response Time Service Credit is calculated pursuant to the formula set out in Response Time Service Level Credits above (collectively the Calculated Credit). So long as the customer has obtained an Uptime Report and/or a Response Time Report, and such Report(s) evidence that the customer is entitled to a credit, upon the customer’s request to Verato’s accounting department, the customer will receive the appropriate Calculated Credit(s) due; however, the customer will not receive a Response Time Service Credit if an Uptime Service Credit is available for the same event.