The searchTasksWs web service is used to retrieve tasks linked with a Source+Native ID record, as provided in the web service request.
By default, the web service returns tasks from the last 30 days. To retrieve tasks from a broader date-time range, specify the desired range in the Task Creation Date Range parameter when making your request.
Sample URL
The URL for this request is of the format, where XXXX is a 4-digit number.
searchTasksWs JSON Request
- The request consists of:
- Source+Native ID (required) - All tasks associated with the specified Source and Native ID will be returned.
- Filters (required) - Only tasks that meet the specified filtering criteria will be returned. To retrieve all tasks, specify an empty filter in the request using "filters": {}
- Task Category - Only return tasks that match any of these specified categories:
- Note: By default, the web service will return all tasks regardless of their category.
- Task Status: Return tasks that have any of the following statuses:
- Note: By default, the web service will return only tasks that are currently Open, In Progress, or Deferred.
- Task Category - Only return tasks that match any of these specified categories:
- Pagination (optional) - Use the pageSize property to specify the number of tasks to retrieve per page and the pageNumber property to fetch tasks from specific pages.
- pageSize can be any integer between 1 and 100, with a default value of 10.
- pageNumber uses a zero-based index and can be any integer greater than 0, with a default value of 0.
- Note: The API response includes a hasNext property which indicates whether an additional page of tasks exists.
- Match Score Range (optional) - Only return tasks that fall within a specific match score range (between minMatchScore and maxMatchScore). If a match range is not specified, all tasks will be returned.
- Task Creation Date Range (optional) - Only return tasks that fall within a specific date-time range (before and after). The date-time should be specified in UTC (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ). If a date range is not specified, only tasks from the last 30 days will be returned.
{ "content": { "source": "string", "nativeId": "string", "pageNumber": 0, "pageSize": 10, "filters": { "categories": [ "POTENTIAL_MATCH_SAME_SOURCE", "POTENTIAL_MATCH_CROSS_SOURCE", "PREVENTED_MATCH_SAME_SOURCE", "MATCH_SAME_SOURCE", "POTENTIAL_OVERLAY", "REJECTED_OVERLAY" ], "statuses": [ "OPEN", "IN_PROGRESS", "DEFERRED", "CLOSED" ], "after": "2024-02-09T00:00:00Z", "before": "2024-02-10T00:00:00Z", "minMatchScore": 0.7, "maxMatchScore": 1.0 } } }
searchTasksWs JSON Response
The response includes:
- An echo of the tracking ID from the request
- A hasNext boolean value indicating if there is an additional page of tasks
- A totalElements integer which is the count of total tasks based on the filtering criteria in the original request
- An array that may contain zero or more tasks. Each task includes the following information:
- The unique ID for the task
- Match Score
- Category
- Status
- Creation Date-Time (in UTC)
- Assignee - The value is null if the task is unassigned
{ "success": true, "content": { "hasNext": false, "totalElements": 1, "tasks": [ { "id": "65cd5d03c640fd114033600a", "matchScore": 0.795, "category": "POTENTIAL_MATCH_CROSS_SOURCE", "creationDateTime": "2024-02-15T00:38:27.0803528Z", "status": "OPEN", "assignee": null } ] }, "retryableError": false, "trackingId": "string", }