Getting Started with the Verato App for Salesforce

How to install and setup the Verato Package in your Salesforce org

This article serves as an installation and configuration guide for the Verato Salesforce app. The next section covers the installation of the package.

The following sections will walk you through applying permission sets and completing the Setup Assistant. This guide is meant to walk you through configuring your org in a Lightning Experience environment.

Throughout this guide, you will be instructed to navigate to Setup, denoted by the iconScreenshot 2024-06-10 at 10.45.52 AM.png. To do so, you will need to click on the gear to the upper right. Within theScreenshot 2024-06-10 at 10.45.52 AM.pngSetup menu there is another Setup, denoted by the Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 10.35.56 AM.png icon.

Once users clickScreenshot 2024-06-07 at 10.35.56 AM.pngSetup, some instructions may indicate to use the "Quick Find box" (indicated below) to navigate to the appropriate section.

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Installing the Verato App Package

First, copy and paste your package install URL into your browser’s address bar and click the Enter/Return key on your keyboard (if you do not have the package URL, please contact a Verato representative to request one).

If you are not already logged into the org you wish to install the package into, Salesforce will prompt you to log in.

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  • Approve Third-Party Access - check the following boxes and click Continue to start the package installation when the modal appears. As it states, this is to allow data to be sent back and forth between your Salesforce org and Verato.

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Verato App Configuration

Once the Verato Package is installed, all Verato App components and settings needs to be configured according to Salesforce org needs. 

Assigning User Licenses and Permissions Sets

To assign Licenses and Permission Sets, click on the App Launcher indicated by the squares in the upper left and search for Verato. 

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Once inside, click on the Licenses & Permissions setup section within the App. The Setup User has the ability to view any app Licenses, Permission Sets, and Custom Permissions.


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A table will display in each step, allowing the Setup User to click into the License/Permission Set/Custom Permission name, which redirects the Setup User to the associated page in Salesforce setup.

Assign User Licenses

This package does not include any user licenses. Please contact your Verato representative consultant to obtain the necessary licenses.

Permission Sets

The package includes the following permission sets:

  • The Verato Setup permission set must be assigned to any non-system admin user that will be responsible for setting up the Verato Application in Salesforce.
Object Name Access Apex Class Name
All objects Read / Create / Edit / Delete All classes
  • The Verato Standard permission set must be assigned to any non-system admin that will be interacting with the lightning components such as the Search and Patient Summary components or the custom objects and metadata in the app. This will also allow the user updating Salesforce Patient records to sync them with Verato. 
Object Name Access Apex Class Name
All objects Read testClassName


Assigning Permission Sets

To assign permission sets to your users, navigate to the Verato Setup User / Verato Standard User permission set and click on the permission set you want to assign.

  • From the Permission Set Overview page, click Manage Assignments
  • Click Add Assignment
  • Check the box next to the user(s) that you would like to assign the permission set to, and click Next (bottom left button)
  • Optionally select any expiration settings for assigned users and click Assign

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For more information please refer to the Salesforce documentation on Permission Sets.

Custom Permission Sets

This package does not contain any custom permissions.


Security and Compliance requirements

How to import Certificate and Key Management

For security purposes a Certificate must be imported into Salesforce before using the Verato application.

  • Navigate to Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 10.35.56 AM.pngSetup > Security > Certificate and Key Management
  • Click Import from Keystore

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  • Click Choose File
  • Select the .jks file provided by Verato
  • Enter the Keystore password provided by Verato
  • Click Save

Remote Site Settings

The Verato Environment Name URL will need to be added as a Remote Site in Salesforce. (Example: Attempting to complete the Setup Assistant without adding it in the Remote Site settings will result in an error telling you to do so. After the remote sites have been added, then you can go back to the Setup Assistant to complete the Verato Setup.

  • Navigate to Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 10.35.56 AM.pngSetup > Security > Remote Site Settings
  • Click New Remote Site

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  • Enter a Remote Site Name (Example: Verato)
  • Add the URL provided by Verato, then click Save

Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 11.09.38 AM.png

For more information, please refer to Salesforce documentation on Configuring Remote Site Settings.


Initial Settings of Verato App

Verato Setup Assistant

The Verato Setup Assistant will need to be completed in order to connect your Salesforce org to your Verato account and fully utilize the app integration. To access the Setup Assistant app, navigate to the App Launcher and search and select the Verato app:

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  • Click Configuration

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System Connections

In order to integrate Verato with Salesforce you must grant them permission to communicate with one another. Complete the following steps to establish a connection between the two systems.

Click on System Connections from the left panel to access this step.

  • For outbound connection, complete the following fields - you can get this information from your Verato Representative:
    • Certificate Unique Name (Must exactly match the unique name from Salesforce Setup - Certificate and Key Management section.)
    • Verato Account Username
    • Verato Account Password
    • Verato Environment Name (Must exactly match the Remote Site URL from Salesforce Setup - Remote Site Settings section.)

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  • Click Authorize

Data Mappings

Data Mapping will require the user to map the Salesforce object data to their Verato data in a specific direction (Inbound / Outbound).

Click on Data Mappings from the left panel to access this step.

  • Select a default mapping option to proceed with pre-mapped objects and fields, then click Proceed

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(NOTE: Default mappings will be based on org settings such as if Person Accounts are enabled and if Sales Cloud is installed.)

  • To edit the mapping for an object, select Actions > Edit Mapping

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  • Complete the field mapping by selecting the fields for both Salesforce and Verato. Any required field mappings (if applicable) would be indicated at the top of the page.
  • To add additional fields to the mapping, click the Add Mapping button

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Note: Any incomplete or invalid mapping rows, including picklist value mappings, will be removed when this mapping is activated.

  • Click Activate

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  • Repeat the steps above to edit and activate the mappings for outbound data mappings
  • An additional step is required for outbound mappings
    • Scroll down and look for the Static Value Assignments section and set Source = Salesforce
    • This will allow any records created by the Verato app in Salesforce to be marked as created by Salesforce

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  • Click Activate

Adding Custom Salesforce Fields for Data Mapping

If certain Verato attributes do not exist within the chosen Salesforce object, users will have to create these fields within Salesforce before creating mappings for them in the Data Mappings step of configuration.

  • Navigate to Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 10.35.56 AM.pngSetup > Object Manager using the Quick Find Box then select the default object that you chose to map to
    • In this scenario, we selected Contact as that is the default Salesforce Object mapped above

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  • Enter the Fields & Relationships section and select New

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  • Follow the steps outlined to create a new field
  • Navigate back to the Data Mappings Section and map your new Salesforce field to it's respective Verato attribute

Configuring the Custom Attribute Section in Data Mappings

The Custom Attributes section in Data Mappings allows integration admins to configure the custom attributes within their Verato identities to be pulled in by Salesforce. These attributes will be displayed in a separate section named "Custom Attributes" on the individual identity records.

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Salesforce Field: Users can select Salesforce fields from the pre-existing list of attributes from the object selected, or use the instructions from the "Adding Custom Salesforce Fields for Data Mapping" section to configure a new, custom field to map to.

Screenshot 2024-08-06 at 12.54.39 PM.png

Verato Fields: Users must enter the exact cluster and attribute names they wish to map. 

For example: If Salesforce users wanted to pull in the make of the vehicle below, they would indicate the cluster as "vehicle" and the attribute as "make". Omitting the "custom." from the cluster name is necessary for mapping to occur correctly.

 "custom.vehicle": [ 
"make": "Honda",
"year": "2013" }

The mapping below would be the correct mapping for the case above.

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With all the steps above completed, users should be able to post identities to Salesforce with custom attributes and see them as shown below:

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Initial Sync Guidance

  • Complete ETL (extract, transform, and load) Transfer
  • Click Acknowledge

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Data Sync

Data Sync will allow the user to enable / disable the running of data sync between your Verato instance and your Salesforce org. It will also be able to configure the frequency and start time of synchronization.

Click on Data Sync from the left panel to access this step.

  • Before enabling Data Sync, ensure to configure the following below:
    • Select a Data Sync Frequency to determine how often the batch job is run
    • Select a Data Sync Start Time to determine what time the batch job will run

Note: It is important to avoid running data sync jobs at the same time as other jobs already scheduled in your org. Use the "Other Apex Jobs" table to plan your start time accordingly.

  • To enable data syncing, set the Enable Data Sync toggle to True
  • The scheduler accounts for two batch jobs (Patient Batch Sync, Notifications Batch Sync)

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  • If a user wishes to go back and reconfigure the frequency or start time, the user must disable the data sync toggle first

Package Log Settings

Package Log Settings can be configured to maintain the storage of package logs. These package logs can be found in the custom package logs tab and are used to assist the user in debugging errors associated with the app within the org.

Click on Package Log Settings from the left panel to access this step.

  • Package Logging is Enabled by default but can be disabled using the toggle. If enabled, the user must select from the following options.
    • Select an option for Logs Captured to determine if the org should log All Activity or Errors only
    • Select an option for the number of Max Log Records Retained in the org.
    • Optionally, users can use the Delete All Logs button to clear all the current package logs stored in the org

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User Interface Configuration

Identity Search Component Setup

This package features a custom Identity Search component that is available in a custom tab, global action, utility bar, and app home page - streamlining the process of searching and verifying identities within Salesforce. This enhances user experience by simplifying workflows and improving efficiency, allowing for quick and accurate identity checks.

Custom Tab

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  • Click the App Launcher icon in the top left of the page
  • Search for Identity Search
  • Click Identity Search

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Global Action

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  • Navigate to Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 10.35.56 AM.pngSetup > Global Actions > Publisher Layouts
    • Search using the Quick Find Box if you have issues navigating
  • Click New

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  • Enter Publish Layout Name (Example: Verato)
  • Click Save

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  • Select the Mobile & Lightning Actions section under the Verato tab
  • Click and Drag the Identity Search Action onto the layout under the "Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions" section of the Global Publisher tab
    • The Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section may be hidden by default - you'll need to click "override the predefined actions' to open the section

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  • Click Save

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Utility Bar

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  • Navigate to Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 10.35.56 AM.pngSetup > App Manager
    • Use the Quick Find Box if you have trouble finding the App Manager
  • Click App Manager
  • Click Edit next to the App you would like to add the Identity Search Utility Bar component to
  • Select Utility Items (Desktop Only) under App Settings
  • Click Add Utility Item

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  • Search for Identity Search Utility Bar
  • Select the Identity Search Utility Bar component

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  • Click Save (Recommended Panel Width: 1000, Recommended Panel Height: 700)

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Home Page

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  • Navigate to Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 10.35.56 AM.pngSetup > Lightning App Builder
    • Use the Quick Find Box if you have trouble finding the Lightning App Builder
  • Click New

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  • Select Home Page

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  • Add a Label
  • Click Next

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  • Choose Page Template or Clone Salesforce Default Page
  • Click Done

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  • Drag and drop the identity search component from the Custom-Managed section onto the main panel

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  • Click Save

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  •  If this is the first time an app's lightning page has been edited, the edited page may need to be activated in order to be seen. (If this page has already been activated, skip this section.)
    • Users can click the "Activation.." button next to the "Save" button to configure how to activate the page as the default for the entire org, a specific app, or according to profiles
    • Please note the exact configuration / activation will depend on the needs of each specific client org

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Identity Summary Component Setup

Verato provides a comprehensive patient data set, which is integrated into Salesforce via a lightning web component on the Patient object's record page. This component dynamically retrieves and displays relevant patient information upon loading.

Users also have the option to synchronize specific fields with Salesforce patient fields on an individual basis. The Identity Summary component needs to be added to the record pages where you want it to be used.

  • While on a Lightning record page, click on Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 10.45.52 AM.pngSetup and select Edit Page.

Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 8.40.39 AM.png

  • Drag and drop the Identity Summary component from the Custom-Managed section onto the main panel.

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  • Click Save

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  • If this is the first time the lightning page for that object has been edited, the edited page may need to be activated. (If this page has already been activated, skip this section). To activate the page, click Activate.

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  • Activate the page as the default for the entire org, just a specific app, or according to profiles as required for that specific record. Please note exact configuration / activation will depend on the needs of each specific client org

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For more information, please refer to Salesforce documentation on Activating Lightning Experience Record Pages.


Verato ID Custom Field

This package includes a custom Verato ID field that will be available on the Contact object and Person Account object if enabled.

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  • Navigate to the Contacts tab within the main navigation
  • Click on Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 10.45.52 AM.pngSetup and select Edit Object within the same dropdown
    • To add the Verato ID field go to Page Layouts
    • Click on Contact Layout

Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 10.03.10 AM.png

  • Click and Drag the Verato ID field into the section of choice

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  • Click Save

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Adding Picklist Values

When setting up picklist fields in Salesforce, such as Gender, it is important to use the exact values provided by Verato. This will help make sure the data syncs correctly and there aren't any issues.

  • Navigate to Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 10.35.56 AM.pngSetup > Object Manager
  • Select Contact or Account (depends on which object you are using)
  • Click into Fields & Relationships and search for your desired field
    • In this case we are using Gender
  • Select the field mapped in the Setup Assistant portion of the installation

Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 10.07.34 AM.png

  • Click New

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    • Add M for Male, F for Female (For additional values needed, reach out to Verato)
      • Optional: If you are using a particular record type, select which record type you would like the values to be used for (Note: make sure this record type is mapped in the Setup Assistant)
    • Click Save

Testing Guide

QA Testing Guide

Functional Test Plan

Installation and Setup Demo



Application Installation Guide: Installing Packages

Salesforce Help: Installed Packages

Salesforce Help: Permission Sets

Salesforce Help: Configuring Remote Site Settings

Salesforce Help: Enable Person Accounts

Salesforce Help: Set Up and Configure Your Org for Experience Cloud Sites

Salesforce Help: Create and Edit Page Layouts

Salesforce Help: Create Custom Fields