August 2024

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  • Announcement Date: August 6, 2024
  • Release Date: August 20, 2024

Patient Journey

New Features and Improvements

  • Verato Universal Identity now allows the assignment of numeric IDs to patient identities, providing greater flexibility and control over identity management. This feature is particularly useful if your organization requires numeric IDs to meet internal standards or requirements. Consistent ID formats help streamline identity management processes and improve data interoperability across various systems.
  • Universal Identity now includes an option to select attribute values for Smart Views based on their creation date.
    Note: The product already supports selecting attribute values based on their last updated date and source priority.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where enriched address fields did not appear in some address clusters in a postIdentity response.
  • Fixed an issue where phone numbers associated with patient records were not displayed on tasks in certain situations.


New Features and Improvements

  • USPS Address Verification entails verifying the accuracy and deliverability of mailing addresses. Customers can utilize this capability to ensure that the address information for individuals in their MPI is valid (i.e exists in the UPSP databases) and free from errors or inconsistencies (i.e conforms to USPS formatting rules).
    Verato expands and will continue to expand this feature into our analytics reporting model to support reporting needs essential to increasing the effectiveness of any outreach, improving the delivery rate of mail or packages.  
  • Data remains at the core of our business and we have made improvements to our analytics pipelines to ensure stability and performance as our customers' grow more and more with Verato. Through improvements we have made significant improvements to pipeline health as well as streamlined core attributes to our reporting layer such as Date of Death, Country, and more.


New Features and Improvements

  • Verato's affinity and phone outreach enrichment data has been improved to make the data more useable and effective.
    Customers who use our SDOH enrichment data to build their own models will be able to simplify the models because the "affinity" enrichment attributes now use a simpler low / medium / high scale rather than a 0-9 scale.
    Customers who use our Outreach enrichment data for contacting patients and customers can rely more on the phone outreach information - phone numbers are screened out of the data set if they are not active and connected to the specific individual, based on phone carrier data.