Web Services General Message Codes

  • Web Services
  • Troubleshooting
  • UMPI
  • Universal Identity

This section describes the web service response messages/codes you can expect to see for both successful and unsuccessful web service responses.

Each Universal Identity web service response includes some common fields that can help clients interpret the outcome of the web service call:

Field(s) Description
HTTP status code of the web service response
  • Typically a 200 value if Verato was able to complete the web service operation, even if the outcome of the completed web service is an abnormal or atypical outcome.
  • If Verato was unable to complete the web service operation, the code will typically be either 401 (in the case of an incorrect user authentication) or a 5XX code (in the case of unexpected failures).
  • A 403-status code will be generated from Verato in the following scenarios:
    • The API request originated from an IP that is not on the allowed list of Verato servers.
    • The API request contains a certificate that is not on the allowed list of Verato servers.
    • The API request connection cannot validate Verato Server Certificate due to an incorrect/missing certificate chain during the Mutual TLS process.
    • The API request contains a certificate with the incorrect certificate password.
    • The API request has an incorrect API username/password.
    • The API credentials are being sent non-preemptively. When the API credentials are sent non-preemptively, it creates the following situation:
      1. The client sends a request to the server without any credentials. The server rejects it with an unauthorized error (status code 401/403) and requests the client to send the message again with a username and password.
      2. The client then resends the message with the credentials, which succeeds as expected.
Success Boolean value in the JSON content of the web service response
  • This value is set to true when the web service completes and the outcome is a typical or expected outcome.
  • This value is set to false if the web service outcome is an atypical outcome.


When attempting to retrieve an identity by querying for the Source + Native ID, the identity is retrieved if it exists and not retrieved if it does not exist in the database – both of these outcomes are typical, expected outcomes, and the web service response will include success: true.

However, if the web service request is attempting to retrieve an identity from a Source for which the user does not have permission to see, the web service will not return any identity AND the web service response will include success: false, along with a warning message.

Message string in the JSON content of the web service response

This string provides additional information about what happened with the web service execution.

Errors array of strings in the JSON content of the web service response

In the future, it is possible that Verato may return multiple error or warning messages for a single web service response, in which case those would appear in the array of error strings.

Currently, if there is any content in the errors string, it is simply a repeat of the information available in the message string, so you do not need to look beyond the message string.

RetryableError Boolean value in the JSON content of the web service response

This value is a placeholder for future use.  Currently, the value returned will always be false.

In the future, this may be enhanced to indicate true in cases where the error is a temporary error that would not be repeated if the web service request was re-submitted.