Unsuccessful Universal Identity web service requests will return typical 400/500 HTTP status codes for client or server errors, depending on the situation. Examples could include common status codes such as 401 (Unauthorized), 404 (Not Found), 500 (Internal Service Error), 503 (Service Unavailable) or 504 (Gateway Timeout).
Web Service Execution Messages - General Errors
The following table describes web service response messages for more general, varied, and uncommon errors. These outcomes are possible with any web service.
Scenario |
HTTP Status |
Message String |
Client submits a web service request from an IP address that is not added to the allow list by Verato |
404 or 504 |
Service request will not make it to the Verato application tier, so you will get an HTTP message back that may contain "server connection refused", "timeout", or "socket connection reset by peer". |
Client submits a web service request with a missing or invalid certificate. |
0 |
Service request will not make it to the Verato application tier, so you may get a response that may contain "Error getting response; java.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: bad_certificate" |
Client submits a web service request with incorrect username and/or password. |
401 |
Service request makes it to the Verato application tier but fails, so the Verato standard web service response will not be provided. Instead, there will be an HTTP response that contains a title of "HTTP Status 401 – Unauthorized", and the body of the message will include text along the lines of "User is not authenticated" |
Client submits a web service request to a base URL that is incorrect or does not exist. In the example provided, the base url provided was https://bad.url.verato.com. |
0 |
Service request will not make it to the Verato application tier, so you will get some kind of response that may look like "Error getting response; java.net.UnknownHostException: bad.url.verato.com" |
Client submits a volume of web service requests that exceeds defined limits. Any requests beyond the defined limit are not processed. For example, if Universal Identity is configured to limit requests at 25 transaction per second, the 26th and beyond transactions received within 1 second would trigger this response. |
429 |
Requests are being sent at a rate above the defined limit. Please reduce the rate and retry your requests. |
Client submits a web service request to the correct base URL but with an invalid or misspelled resource endpoint. In the example provided, the client provided the resource name of “pasteIdentity” instead of “postIdentity”. |
200 |
configuration.error | No microservice configuration found for pasteIdentity.default |
Client submits a web service request with invalid or incomplete JSON that does not contain the expected fields based on the requested web service. This happens most often when a client passes into the request a JSON object that was intended for a different type of web service. In the example provided, the client passed in the JSON object suitable for a “demographicsQuery” request into the “nativeIdQuery” web service. The “nativeIdQuery” web service did not find the first field it was expecting in the JSON, which is the “source” field. |
200 |
missing.request.field | The request was missing a value for field source. |
Client submits a web service request where the JSON includes an unhandled non-ascii or extended ascii character. Typically the Universal Identity is expecting English characters from the ascii character set. Error handling is built in to handle certain extended ascii characters, but non-ascii characters or some extended ascii characters may not be handled, resulting in a failure. |
200 |
The content of the “message” string will vary slightly depending on the web service, but generally it will contain the string “500 null”. The example below is from a failed postIdentity request: operation.failed | Requested operation failed with following error : PostIdentityService failure: 500 null ( Collected values at time of exception: url=http://internal-elb- app-demo-link-699819618.us-east- 1.elb.amazonaws.com:8080/link-core/svc/postIdentityService/default ) |
One sub-step within the overall web service operation failed due to a server capacity error within Verato’s infrastructure. |
200 |
operation.failed | Requested operation failed with following error : PostIdentityService failure: 503 Service Unavailable: Back-end server is at capacity ( Collected values at time of exception: url=http://internal-elb-app-cust0013- test-443119918.us-east- 1.elb.amazonaws.com:8080/link-core/svc/postIdentityService/default ) |
One sub-step within the overall web service operation failed due to a timeout within Verato’s infrastructure. |
200 |
operation.failed | Requested operation failed with following error : PostIdentityService failure: 504 GATEWAY_TIMEOUT ( Collected values at time of exception: url=http://internal-elb-app-cust0022- 602572535.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com:8080/link-core/svc/postIdentityService/default ) |
Client submits a web service request |
200 |
There was an issue, please try and submit your request again. |
Web service execution messages - other error messages
The following table describes the message string in the web service response when the web service completes with an atypical or unusual outcome. In these scenarios:
- The web service completed
- The HTTP status code will be 200
- The success Boolean will be set to false in the web service response because the outcome was not completely successful.
Web service |
Scenario |
Message String |
postIdentity |
Numeric ID assignment failed |
Failed to assign a numeric ID. Try again later. If the problem persists, contact Verato Support. |
postIdentity |
Overlay error – the demographic data posted is very different from the current demographics for the same Source + Native ID, indicating an overlay condition. The identity is not updated in Universal Identity. |
operation.failed | Requested operation failed with following error : PostIdentityService failure: PostIdentityRequest failed. Cause : IngestionService failure: Error ingesting entity: Overlay Error Detected |
postIdentity/demographicsQuery |
An API call is sent to a UMPI stack, which will augment carbon, but the carbon environment that the stack is connected to is nonoperational or is down. |
"success":false,"message":"operation.failed | Requested operation failed with following error : PostIdentityService failure: PostIdentityRequest failed. Cause : SingleIdentityResolutionService failure: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable: \"<html><EOL><EOL><head><title>503 Service Temporarily Unavailable</title></head><EOL><EOL><body><EOL><EOL><center><h1>503 Service Temporarily Unavailable</h1></center><EOL><EOL></body><EOL><EOL></html><EOL><EOL>\" ( Collected values at time of exception: url=http://internal-elb-app.prodcore.verato.int:8080/ir-core/svc/singleIdentityResolverService/default )","auditId":"d4715e69-79cc-4f8f-9f60-0f050215b5c9","retryableError":false,"errors":["operation.failed | Requested operation failed with following error : PostIdentityService failure: PostIdentityRequest failed. Cause : SingleIdentityResolutionService failure: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable: \"<html><EOL><EOL><head><title>503 Service Temporarily Unavailable</title></head><EOL><EOL><body><EOL><EOL><center><h1>503 Service Temporarily Unavailable</h1></center><EOL><EOL></body><EOL><EOL></html><EOL><EOL>\" ( Collected values at time of exception: url=http://internal-elb-app.prodcore.verato.int:8080/ir-core/svc/singleIdentityResolverService/default |
postIdentity |
The requesting user attempted to post an identity with a Source for which the user does not have permissions to update. In this example, the user attempted to post an identity from source=verato.source.e. |
unauthorized.request | The client is not authorized for the requested operation: no write permissions on source: verato.source.e |
postIdentity |
Race condition failure – multiple concurrent web service requests were made to update the same Source + Native ID at the same time. One of the requests succeeded, and the other request failed – the application uses version control to ensure that data is not corrupted by two concurrent requests. The request that failed returns this message. |
operation.failed | Requested operation failed with following error : PostIdentityService failure: PostIdentityRequest failed. Cause : IngestionService failure: Zero rows updated when storing identity: 5bdc88ab2b3a2c6e1000e014 ver: 19118. Possible attempt to store stale object |
postIdentity |
The requesting user attempted to post an identity for a Source + Native ID that is in a merged/retired state. This would only happen if the Source + Native ID was previously merged using the mergeIdentity web service. Once a Source + Native ID has been merged, it can no longer be updated. It must be unmerged before it can be updated. |
operation.failed | Requested operation failed with following error : PostIdentityService failure: PostIdentityRequest failed. Cause : IngestionService failure: Error ingesting entity: source+nativeId already in the retired state and cannot be updated |
postIdentity |
The postIdentity request object includes more than one Source + Native ID value (even if it’s just the same Source + Native ID value repeated twice). A request with more than one Source + Native ID in the request object will fail. |
invalid.request | The request was invalid: only 1 source may be specified when posting an Identity |
postIdentity |
The postIdentity request object increases the number of SHs across all candidates and incoming entity to be more than <number> |
Error ingesting entity: This request would have bridged Link IDs {Link ID 1...n} & caused the resulting Link ID to exceed the maximumSHPerLinkId limit of <number>
- SH: Source History (a measure of the number of distinct values stored for the record) |
postIdentity |
The postIdentity request object increases the number of unique SNs across all candidates and incoming entity to be more than <number> |
Error ingesting entity: This request would have bridged Link IDs {Link ID 1...n} & caused the resulting Link ID to exceed the maximumUniqueSNPerLinkId limit of <number>"
- SN: Source Native (the number of records in the identity) |
postIdentity |
The postIdentity request object includes more than <number> of unique SHs for any of the records across all candidates and incoming identity |
Error ingesting entity: This request would have updated record {S+N} & caused the resulting record to exceed the maximumUniqueSHPerSN limit of <number>
- SH: Source History (a measure of the number of distinct values stored for the record) |
nativeIdQuery |
The requesting user attempted to retrieve an identity from a Source for which the user does not have read permissions. Regardless of |
unauthorized.request | The client is not authorized for the requested operation: no |
whether the identity actually exists in Universal Identity or not, this message is returned. In this example, the user attempted to retrieve an identity from source=verato.source.e. |
read permissions on source: verato.source.e |
identityIdQuery |
The requested Link ID is not a 24- character hexadecimal string. |
operation.failed | Requested operation failed with following error : identity.query |
deleteSourceIdentity |
The requesting user attempted to delete a record from a Source for which the user does not have write permissions. In this example, the user attempted to retrieve an identity from source=verato.source.e. |
unauthorized.request | The client is not authorized for the requested operation: insufficent access permissions for source: verato.source.e |
linkIdentities |
The linkIdentities request was invalid because the specified Source + Native ID values already exist in the same Link ID – they are already linked. In this example, the request to link source=verato.source.a and nativeId=TEST101 with source=verato.source.a and nativeId=TEST102 was invalid. |
dupe.request.ignored | Request was previously processed. Additional info: verato.source.a:TEST102 already linked to verato.source.a:TEST101 |
linkIdentities |
The linkIdentities request was invalid because one or both of the requested Source + Native ID values does not exist in Universal Identity. In this example, the invalid Source + Native ID was verato.source.a + TEST103. |
missing.required.record | Record not found : verato.source.a:TEST103 |
linkIdentities |
The requesting user attempted to link records from a Source for which the user does not have write permissions. In this example, the user attempted to link a record from source=verato.source.e. |
unauthorized.request | The client is not authorized for the requested operation: insufficient access permissions for source: verato.source.e |
linkIdentities |
The requesting user attempted to link a Source + Native ID that is in a merged/retired state. This would only happen if the Source + Native ID was previously merged using the mergeIdentity web service. Once a Source + Native ID has been merged, it can no longer be updated. It must be unmerged first. |
One or more source:nativeId combinations are in retired state |
unlinkIdentities |
The unlinkIdentities request was invalid because the specified Source + Native ID values already exist in different Link IDs. |
no.action.taken | Explanation : The source+nativeID combinations are already in separate entities |
unlinkIdentities |
The unlinkIdentities request was invalid because one or both of the requested Source + Native ID values does not exist in Universal Identity. |
no.action.taken | Explanation : One or more source:nativeId combinations not in Link DB |
unlinkIdentities |
The requesting user attempted to unlink records from a Source for which the user does not have write permissions. In this example, the user attempted to unlink a record from source=verato.source.e. |
unauthorized.request | The client is not authorized for the requested operation: insufficent access permissions for source: verato.source.e |
unlinkIdentities |
The requesting user attempted to unlink a Source + Native ID that is in a merged/retired state. This would only happen if the Source + Native ID was previously merged using the mergeIdentity web service. Once a Source + Native ID has been merged, it can no longer be updated. It must be unmerged first. |
One or more source:nativeId combinations are in retired state |
mergeIdentities |
The mergeIdentities request was invalid because the specified Source + Native ID to be merged is already in the merged state. |
The toRetire source+nativeID is already in the retired/merged away state |
mergeIdentities |
The mergeIdentities request was invalid because one or both of the requested Source + Native ID values does not exist in Universal Identity. |
One or more source:nativeId combinations not in Link DB |
mergeIdentities |
The requesting user attempted to merge records from a Source for which the user does not have write permissions. In this example, the user attempted to merge a record from source=verato.source.e. |
unauthorized.request | The client is not authorized for the requested operation: insufficient access permissions for source: verato.source.e |
unmergeIdentities |
The unmergeIdentities request was invalid because the specified Source + Native ID value already exist in the unmerged/active state. |
The unmerge source+nativeID is already in the active/unmerged state |
unmergeIdentities |
The unmergeIdentities request was invalid because one or both of the requested Source + Native ID values does not exist in Universal Identity. |
One or more source:nativeId combinations not in Link DB |
unmergeIdentities |
The requesting user attempted to unmerge records from a Source for which the user does not have write permissions. In this example, the user attempted to unmerge a record from source=verato.source.e. |
unauthorized.request | The client is not authorized for the requested operation: insufficient access permissions for source: verato.source.e |
searchNotifications |
The searchNotifications request was invalid because the start date was later than the end date. |
"EndDate cannot be earlier than the startDate" |
searchNotifications |
The searchNotifications request was invalid because the page number was <0. |
"Page number cannot be less than 0" |
searchNotifications |
The searchNotifications request was invalid because the page size was <1 or >100. |
"Page size must be greater than 0" or Page size cannot be greater than 100" |