
  • Web Services
  • UMPI
  • API Documentation
  • Universal Identity

The deleteSourceIdentity web service is used to physically delete one of your source records from your instance of Universal Identity. When source records are added or updated in your various source applications/databases, you use the postIdentity service to synchronize those adds/updates to Universal Identity.

When source records are deleted from your source applications/databases, you use the deleteSourceIdentity web service to delete them from Universal Identity to ensure Universal Identity is in synch.

With each deleteSourceIdentity request, we now automatically assess whether all records associated with the identity still belong together. Any records that do not align with this identity will be automatically unlinked, provided that this feature is enabled. For further details, please reach out to your Verato representative.

If the source record you are deleting from Universal Identity is the only source record in a given Universal Identity entity, then the Universal Identity entity itself, including all data corresponding to your source record, will be deleted. If the source record you are deleting from Universal Identity is part of a Universal Identity entity that is also made up of other source records, that Universal Identity entity will remain (with its Link ID unchanged), but the data corresponding to the deleted source record will be removed from Universal Identity.

Sample URL

The URL for this request is of the format, where XXXX is a 4-digit number.

deleteSourceIdentity JSON request

  • The request includes:

    • A tracking ID (an optional identifier that the client can supply to track the response)
    • The Source+Native ID of the source record you wish to delete
  • {
      "trackingId": "string",
         "content": {
         "source": { 
               "name": "string",
           "id": "string"

deleteSourceIdentity JSON response

  • The response includes:

    • An ‘echo’ of the same tracking ID from the request
    • Several Boolean and string values with more information about the success/failure of the service
    • The Link ID of the Universal Identity entity that was modified (in the case where the Universal Identity entity also included other source records which remain active)
    • The Link ID of the Universal Identity entity that was deleted (only in the case where the Universal Identity entity contained a single source record, the source record you deleted)
  • {
      "trackingId": "string",
        "auditId": UUID, 
        "success": boolean, 
        "retryableError": boolean,
      "message": "string", 
       "errors": [
      "content": {
        "linkIdsModified": ["string"], 
           "linkIdsDeleted": ["string"]