The Universal Identity user interface allows you to search, review, and assign and manage tasks within your Universal Identity instance.
When you first log into the Universal Identity user interface, the default landing page is the Patient Task List view. You can navigate between these views, and between the Search and Task modes.
Data Stewardship
The Data Stewardship application includes the following:
- Dashboard
- Patient Task Queue
- Patient Rejected Overlays
- Search
The Insights application includes the following:
- Patient Overview dashboard
- Patient Tasks Insights dashboard
The search page has three pages or views:
- Identity Search input view – In this view, you can specify search criteria to retrieve identities by demographics, Link ID, or Source + Native ID.
- Demographics Search results view – In this view, you can view and select search results from a demographics search.
- Workspace view – In this view, you can see details for one or more identities that have been retrieved from the search input view. In this view, you can also link or unlink source records.
Task Queue
Under Stewardship, you have two task queues (Patient Task Queue and Patient Rejected Overlays).
- To see the task lists, click Patient Task Queue or Patient Rejected Overlays. This view displays the list of all data stewardship tasks detected and queued up by the Universal Identity. You can also search for a subset of data stewardship tasks by applying one or more filter criteria. By default, closed tasks are not displayed in the task queue.
- To see the task details on an individual task, click the task row. This shows the identities associated with a specific data stewardship task. You can link or unlink source records within those identities. You can also update the status, assignee, and comments for the data stewardship task.
For more information about the Verato user interface, see the following video: