Each Identity you include in a PairMatchRequest and each reference identity in the Reference Database is comprised of multiple demographic data values. These values are called attributes .
Some attribute values are logically grouped together into attribute clusters . For example, the attributes of first name, middle name, and last name are grouped together into an attribute cluster called Name.
Attributes exist in both the PairMatchRequest as well as the Reference Database identity data model. They have pre-defined data structures and are used in the matching process to determine whether two identities are the same or not.
Commonly user attribute clusters
The Attribute Clusters and Attributes most commonly used within the PairMatchRequest are:
PersonName | First Name |
Middle Name | |
Last Name | |
Suffix | |
SimpleAddress | Street Line 1 |
Street Line 2 | |
City | |
State | |
Postal Code | |
DetailedAddress | HouseNumber |
StreetDirection | |
StreetName | |
StreetType | |
StreetPostDirection | |
UnitType | |
UnitNumber | |
City | |
State | |
ZipCode | |
ZipCodePlusFour | |
BirthDetails | DOB |
Credentials | SSN |
PhysicalDescription | Gender |
ContactPhone | Country Code |
Area Code | |
Number | |
Extension | |
ContactEmail | Email Address |