Troubleshooting & Error Messages

Basic troubleshooting for API connectivity and reference guides for response codes, error messages, and more.

  • Web Services General Message Codes

    This section describes the web service response messages/codes you can expect to see for both successful and unsuccessful web service responses. Each Universal Identity web service response includes some common fields that can help clients interpret the...

  • Web Service Success Messages

    The following table describes the message string in the web service response when the web service executes successfully. In all of these cases: The success Boolean will be set to true in the web service response The HTTP status code will be 200. The s...

  • Web Service Error Messages

    Unsuccessful Universal Identity web service requests will return typical 400/500 HTTP status codes for client or server errors, depending on the situation. Examples could include common status codes such as 401 (Unauthorized), 404 (Not Found), 500 (Inte...

  • Auto-Steward API Error Messages

    Scenario HTTP Status Message String/Recommendation Client submits a web service request from an IP address that is not added to the allow list by Verato Client submits a web service request with a missing or invalid certificate. 403 The HTTP...

  • Verato API Connectivity using Postman

    Often, connectivity problems result in a general "SSL handshake error", which can be caused by various errors related to a mutual TLS Authentication failure. This article described how to test and verify connectivity using Postman -- an API client that ...

  • Using cURL for Verato APIs

    What is cURL? Client URL (cURL) is a command line tool that enables data exchange between a device and a server through a terminal. Using this command line interface (CLI), a user specifies a server URL (the location where they want to send a request) a...