Enrich Reference: Data Attribute Values for Patient and Consumer

Reference tables describing common data attribute values for Patient and Consumer Enrich data.

  • Ethnic CDC and OMB Attribute Values

    Verato maintains race category values aligned to both the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) definitions. These values map to combinations of Ethnic Group and Ethnic Detail in each Enrich record per the following...

  • Ethnic Attribute Values

    Available data values for Enrich fields varies over time. The details in the following table represent the common values you should expect so see; however, these should not be considered to be comprehensive or exclusive lists. Attribute Details – Ethnic...

  • Occupation Type Attribute Values

    The details in the following table represent the common values you should expect so see; however, these should not be considered to be comprehensive or exclusive lists. A-D E-M N-Z Accounting/Biller/Billing Clerk Acct Executive Actor/Entertainer/A...

  • Language Attribute Values

    The details in the following table represent the common values you should expect so see; however, these should not be considered to be comprehensive or exclusive lists. A-G H-R S-Z Albanian Amharic Arabic Armenian Ashanti Azeri Bantu Basque Bulgar...